IntEntSem14: Day 3 – Marketing, numbers and costumers

Wednesday was all about doing your math and getting out there to figure out the needs of the costumer.

Some energetic early birds started the third day of IntEntSem at the fitness center ACTIC Västerås City with a spinning class and some gym training. A perfect way to get your energy levels pumped up to handle the rest of the day! The spinning participants also encountered the Activio System, which is a swedish innovation (from a former KTH student) that enables you to track your heart rate live during the class.

The massive lecture schedule started with marketing and sales and moved on to finance and market research. The students continued working with their canvas models, focusing on the cost structures.

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In the afternoon we got a visit from local television SVT Västmanlandsnytt who interviewed some of the students of IntEntSem14 about the learnings so far. Look at the clip here.

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Many of the students got really helpful feedback on their business ideas and completely started over with the konceptualisation. You can not enough stress the importance of getting out their early in order to be able to evaluate your product at an early stage. Or as Steve Blank use to put it “Get out of the building!”.

Keep prototyping and failing fast in order to reach success!
/Amanda, Swedish Project Group

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